April 8, 2014
Behavioral health care providers can improve their outcomes, their finances, and their attractiveness to managed care companies by implementing consumer centered family consultation systems. The Family Institute for Education, Practice & Research and IBHI provided this webinar on a proven, practical technology for helping people who are dealing with behavioral health problems.
Click here to view the slides from this webinar. Contact Peter Brown at peter@IBHI.net for more information.
By involving families in the process of assuring a consumer’s continued recovery from behavioral health problems, providers will achieve higher remission rates, improvements related to consumers focusing on their recovery-oriented goals, reduce readmissions to hospitals and improve consumer satisfaction with their care. The Family Institute has repeatedly demonstrated a family-involving intervention that is embraced by consumers, and supports the core service planning and treatment process. This process is applicable across clinical conditions, cultural populations, and treatment settings. Many providers have had experience with consumers rejecting family involvement in their care and families refusing to get involved for many reasons, such as negative past experiences. This webinar will provide an introduction to this well demonstrated technology.
CCFC is a brief, education-based engagement and consultation service that is typically completed in one to five sessions. CCFC is characterized by: (a) consumer centeredness — the consumer is at the center of all decisions; (b) collaboration— promotes a strong partnership between consumers, families, and providers; and (c) education orientation—provides basic information and education for families and consumers.
In contrast to many prevailing family psychoeducation approaches which typically last for at least 9 months and place considerable demands on all involved; recent findings suggest that brief interventions involving family members in specific ways can contribute positively to consumers’ treatment (Dixon et al., 2010).