“The Bell Curve” by Atul Gawande The New Yorker, December 6, 2004

Doctors like to think they’re doing their job as well as it can be done. But when you measure their results the spread is wide.Illustration by Christoph Niemann
“Waiting for Supershrink: An Empirical Analysis of Therapist Effects” by John Okiishi, Michael J. Lambert, Stevan L. Nielsen, and Benjamin M. Ogles, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 10, 361-373 (2003). A pdf file: 1,060 KBytes
“An Analysis of Therapist Treatment Effects: Toward Providing Feedback to Individual Therapists on Their Clients’ Psychotherapy Outcome” by John Okiishi, Michael J. Lambert, Dennis Eggett, Lars Nielsen, and David D. Dayton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 62(9), 1157–1172 (2006). A pdf file: 203 KBytes
Adapting and Implementing New Strategies for Patient Centered Care – Transforming Care where we meet our clients in Behavioral Health by Julie Kelley, MSW, MPH Program Chief, Mental Heath Psychiatry Contra Costa Regional Medical Center, Martinez, CA. April 2011. A pdf file: 1,700 KBytes

“Emerging Strategies to Improve Care for Behavioral Health Clients in the Emergency Department”by Stuart Buttlaire, PhD, MBA, Kaiser Permanente, Regional Director of Inpatient Psychiatry and Continuing Care and Peter Brown, Executive Director, Institute for Behavioral Healthcare Improvement. October 10, 2012. A pdf file: 511 KBytes.